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Monday March 10th 2025


Baseball Bloggers Alliance Launches Radio Talk

The Baseball Bloggers Alliance, of which Bronx Baseball Daily is a member, is announcing a new radio show. The hosts of their shows will be members of the alliance and will rotate each week. I am hosting the final episode before the regular season starts on March 30, with Rich Baxter of the Fightin Phillies Blog.   The Press Release The writers of the Baseball Bloggers Alliance would like to announce that they are taking to the airwaves. Beginning Tuesday, February 16th at 11 pm Eastern, BBA Baseball Talk can be found at Blog Talk ...

Will Derek Jeter Break the All-Time Hits Record?

Point: Yes, he is ahead of Pete Rose's pace now. Counterpoint: I'm thinking no.  It would be nice and all but he has a long way to go. P: Bill James gives him a six-percent chance of reaching 4,000 hits. CP: That does not sound promising.  Projections like that are pointless. Suppose he does make it to 4,000.  He will still be 256 short of Rose. P: Well, Jeter is still in top physical condition. CP: Yeah, now.  When he is 43, the hits will ...

MLB Pitchers and Catchers Report in Two Days…

But a few are arriving early. According to Anthony McCarron of the Daily News, Curtis Granderson reported to camp today. He joins a group that includes Derek Jeter, Francisco Cervelli, and Eduardo Nunez. Pitchers Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain, Boone Logan, David Robertson, Alfredo Aceves, Chad Gaudin, and AJ Burnett are also there. Position players aren’t supposed to report until Feb. 24. So while everyone is early, the position players are very early. Although this is nothing new for Jeter who reports early every year. McCarron also reported that Granderson has no problem switching ...

Phil-Osophy Different from the Joba Rules

Yankees pitching coach Dave Eiland went on WFAN last week and spoke with Sweeny Murti about what the potential rules for Phil Hughes would be if he earned a spot in the Yankees rotation. They wouldn’t be as strict as the “Joba Rules,” but there certainly would be rules. “You’ve got to remember, Joba had restrictions because he never had a full season in the professional baseball as a starter,” Eiland said. “Phil Hughes has had several minor league seasons as a starter.' “So there’s going to be restrictions, but they’re ...

Joe DiMaggio Once Again Confirmed His Greatness

Jon Stirling is a Baltimore Orioles' loyalist. He started following the Birds when they arrived just in time for the 1954 season. Jon never liked the haughty Yankees, but he grudgingly admired the greatest of all center fielders, Joseph Paul DiMaggio. On Saturday, July 31, 1965, Jon attended the Yankees' annual Old Timers' Game at Yankee Stadium, a ball park that greed recently destroyed. The Yankees' lost, but Joe DiMaggio, at the age of 51, ...

Brett Gardner Daily Update No. 13

Hal Steinbrenner received a telephone call from Nan Croft, an assistant comptroller in the Tampa office of the New York Yankees.   “Mr. Steinbrenner, I’ve been going over some of the invoices from the training facility and thought you needed to know there are some strange things going on over there.”   Croft went on to detail some of her concerns to Steinbrenner.  When she was finished Hal directed her to get over to the training facilities and talk to Girardi about some of the expenses.   Croft was waiting with her briefcase when Girardi showed ...

A Tribute to My Grandpa, Forever a New York Yankee

  My Grandpa was a lover to those close to him and a fighter against the disease that eventually took him away from his loved ones. He was an avid baseball fan, a man of courage and faith and mostly, a caring, supportive and loving grandpa to me.   Baseball always has and always will be one of my main loves. I learned that from him. Ever since I can remember, baseball was the common center between us.   Now probably nearing the triple-digit marker in number of games I’ve been to, he was the ...

Derek Jeter Should Be Signed By Yankees for 10 More Years

One of the biggest storylines this spring training perpetuated by the media for the New York Yankees will not be who hits in the No. 2 spot (it should be Curtis Granderson) or who will be the no. 5 starter (although that should be Joba Chamberlain). The biggest storyline will be the inevitable re-signing of Yankee icon, future first ballot Hall-of-Famer, Derek Jeter. The story is not really a story, but made up as one by the media, because Jeter will always be a Yankee until he retires. No way does he put ...

Happy Valentine’s Day: The Wives and Girlfriends of the New York Yankees

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be a good idea to run a special series today. So every hour today we’re going to run a collection of pictures of Yankees’ wives and girlfriends. There are 10 in total. Here is the schedule: 10:00 am: Derek Jeter’s girlfriend, Minka Kelly 11:00 am: AJ Burnett’s wife, Karen Burnett 12:00 pm: Andy Pettitte’s wife, Laura Pettitte 1:00 pm: CC Sabathia’s wife, Amber Sabathia 2:00 pm: Joe Girardi’s wife, Kim Girardi 3:00 pm: Jorge Posada’s wife, Laura Posada 4:00 pm Mark Teixeira’s wife, Leigh Teixeira 5:00 pm Nick Swisher’s girlfriend, ...

Small Ball, Big Advantage: Brett Gardner To Bunt More in 2010

Brett Gardner had 284 plate appearances last year, and during approximately 284 of them I was screaming at my TV begging him to bunt. Maybe 284 bunts is a bit much for one season, but when you have as much speed as the Yankees' outfielder does, it makes sense to lay one down once in a while to see if you can beat the throw to first. This is why I was pleased to learn today that the 26-year-old has practiced more bunting this offseason. Because, after all, it's hard to steal bases ...
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