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Monday March 10th 2025


George Steinbrenner: The Boss’ Top 10 Trades and Signings

Wheelin' and dealin'. If Lil' Wayne coined the phrase "make it rain", George Steinbrenner was his inspiration (okay, maybe not). Over his four decade reign in the Bronx, no other baseball owner even came close to matching the types of moves The Boss made. With his ability to get whatever, or should I say whoever, he wanted, his franchise became known as the "Evil Empire." Even Darth Vader himself would be jealous of these 10 deals. Begin Slideshow

Top 10 Moments in the Career of George Steinbrenner

George Steinbrenner, the infamous owner of the New York Yankees, died early Tuesday morning. Steinbrenner brought constant controversy and activity to the Yankee offices. He was a figure that you either hated or loved, probably depending what team you followed. Here are the moments the top 10 moments of his career ranked according to impact, popularity, and as must be the case with George—absurdity. Begin Slideshow

A Yankee Hero and Legend Fallen: RIP George Steinbrenner

As everyone surely knows by now George Michael Steinbrenner III passed away Tuesday morning after a severe heart attack in his Tampa, FL home. Any and every Yankee fan is deeply saddened by the news of the bosses death, and respects and appreciates all he did for us. Steinbrenner never failed to mention that all he did was for the benefit of the fans. All he wanted to do year in and year out was win the World Series. Who couldn't like and respect a man who thrived off winning? Who wouldn't love to play, work ...

George Steinbrenner: 10 Franchises That Could Use a Man Like The Boss

The passing of New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has made us all wonder, what troublesome teams could use a man like "The Boss"? Under Steinbrenner's rule, the Yankees won seven World Championships, and created a cable TV network that brought in tons of revenue. The Boss didn't mess around, and some teams would benefit from having a guy like him in control.Begin Slideshow

One Time, George Steinbrenner Passed Me in a Hallway at Yankee Stadium

At the age of 80 and after years of battling illness, former Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has passed away. Love him or hate him, Yankee fan or Yankee hater, you have to respect what he did for his organization and for the game of baseball. I was born in New Jersey and one of my oldest memories as a child was being at Yankee Stadium. I remember, vividly, watching the Metro train pass behind the right field bleachers. Years later, at the age of 14 and now living in California, I had a chance to ...

Rest In Peace, George Steinbrenner (1930-2010)

Hall-of-Famer Reggie Jackson may have been the straw that stirred the NY Yankees of the late-1970s but, George Michael Steinbrenner was the straw that stirred the Major League Baseball owners club… and as a result, he forever changed the nature of pro sports ownership across all professional sports in America. His demeanor and his style earned him a variety of nicknames, from the derisive “Phineas T. Bluster” to the reverential “The Boss." He died today of a massive heart attack at his home in Tampa, Florida… the Yankee Doodle Dandy ...

George Steinbrenner’s 10 Funniest Seinfeld Moments

This morning, Major League Baseball lost a legend. Following the death of Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, everyone is going to have their own memories of the Boss. Whether it was when he bought the Yankees for ten millions dollars, his multiple fights with Billy Martin, or the construction of a baseball empire, Steinbrenner was one of the most iconic people in baseball history. During Steinbrenner's ownership from 1973 to his death, the longest in club history, the Yankees earned 11 pennants and won seven World Series championships. But besides for being responsible ...

George Steinbrenner Dead: Yogi Berra, Dave Winfield and More React

George Steinbrenner left behind a strong legacy as the long-time owner of the New York Yankees. Whether you loved or hated the Yankees, you still knew who George Steinbrenner was. There are reactions pouring in from not only the baseball world, but also from general sports fans. We'll have more reactions to the death of the Yankees' owner as they continue to come in. Everyone from celebrities, to players, to those familiar faces have been giving their thoughts on the well-known, ever-famous in owner. Not only have the Yankees lost an icon, but ...

George Steinbrenner Changed Sports Ownership Forever

They used to be venerable, largely anonymous men. Baseball teams were the family business. You never saw them, rarely heard from them. You had an occasional buffoon (Bill Veeck), or a pioneer (Branch Rickey), or a turncoat (Horace Stoneham). Those anomalies aside, the rest of them wore stuffy suits, counted the day’s receipts, and some thought a hit-and-run was a traffic accident. Their players were indentured. Thanks to the Reserve Clause, a big league ballplayer had the freedom of a goldfish in a plastic bag full of water and the leverage of a ...

George Steinbrenner Dies: Top 10 Hilarious Moments as Yankee Owner

As I'm sure you all know, longtime Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has passed away from a massive heart attack. But in times of grief, humor is often the best medicine, especially if you hated the deceased for ruining free agency and attempting to ruin baseball, which I'm sure most do. One must remember, although for years he did it the wrong way, Steinbrenner won his World Series championships making teams the right way, never winning when buying out free agency. Last year, he was barely around to claim championship money ...
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