The New York Post should be ashamed of itself.Their latest issue was disgraceful, lacking in taste, and completely uncalled for at this juncture. New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez did absolutely nothing to deserve this backlash.The big news coming out of international media yesterday was that Moammar Khadafy was captured and killed by Libyan rebels.The former dictator was beaten and apparently tortured to death by rebels during his final moments. At one point, he was seen to be begging for his life according to the San Francisco Chronicle.Whether Khadafy deserved ...
On this website, we've had a lot of time to talk about free agency stories and what the Yankees should do for the 2012 season.We've talked a lot about pitching and a little about hitting, but not much.And I'm also a little surprised I haven't seen one Albert Pujols story yet on this page. Maybe it's me, but I thought I would see more from others.So I guess I will have to be the one guy who discusses Pujols on here. I mean, why not? Not like the Yankees got ...
CC Sabathia is a man of many appetites. He loves his sports and his food just as much as any red-blooded American. However, when it comes to Hooters, Sabathia would rather have a great set of Canz. I am of course referring to the burgeoning set of franchises known as Canz-a-Citi. The restaurant chain is opening a new chain in the Midtown neighborhood of Murray Hill in Manhattan. There are already restaurants in Queens and Long Island. Sabathia is siding with the little engine that could over the established chain Hooters. Fox Sports ...
Have you ever tried playing Arm Chair GM when it comes to your favorite sports team? You know like wondering what the team could do to win and what moves they could and should make.Wondering why they signed one player and not the other?Have you ever thought to yourself or even stated out loud that you could do a better job that the man that really holds the position.I mean some of us feel we know what is best for “our” team, right? If only they would listen to us!I ...
A right-handed ace from overseas may be eligible to make the move to the majors very soon, and has every club up in arms.Sound familiar?Players such as: Ichiro Suzuki, Hideki Matsui, Daisuke Matsuzaka, Hiroki Kuroda, Kei Igawa, Hideki Okajima and many more have all been exported to the US to play in the MLB.While some have been successful (Suzuki & Matsui), others have been complete busts (Igawa) and others have underachieved (Matsuzaka & Okajima) compared to how they were projected to perform at the major league level. But back to the ...
The New York Yankees would soon be put out of their misery. Only the 1985 Kansas City Royals and the 1986 New York Mets had lost the first two games of the World Series at home and come back to win. The 1996 Atlanta Braves were not the 1985 St. Louis Cardinals or the 1986 Boston Red Sox. They were the defending World Champions. After Greg Maddux shut out the Yankees in the second game of the 1996 World Series, almost no one gave the Yankees any chance of winning. ...
With the 2011 season officially over for the Yankees following a 3-2 Game 5 loss to the Tigers in the ALDS, all eyes are focused squarely on the "big man." Yankees ace CC Sabathia has reached the infamous opt-out clause in his contract, which allows him to walk away from the remaining four years and $92 million on his record-setting contract. Now, while the rest of us would view such a decision as selfish and greedy, CC and his agent look at it as a chance to make even more ...
The basic premise is that the New York Yankees, despite president Randy Levine's protestations, don't really care if they win the World Series as long as they make money. If management wanted to maximize their chances of becoming world champions this past season, general manager Brian Cashman would have been allowed to sign or trade for one or two top pitchers instead of settling for a number of retreads, such as Bartolo Colon and Freddy Garcia. Near the July 31 trading deadline, Cashman said "I'd be shocked if I could ...
We've heard all the hype about Yu Darvish for about two years now.We've all wondered when he'll leave Japan to come to the Major Leagues.It looks like Nippon Ham Fighters of the Japanese Baseball League, will post Darvish and make him available for the 2012 season.For those unfamiliar with how posting works, Darvish's team will have an auction of sorts for all 30 teams. Whoever bids the highest will get the rights to negotiate with Darvish.That bid will just get the team the right to negotiate with Darvish, that winning ...
Mickey Mantle became a legend many years before he became a legend. It created many problems for him, some of which he was unprepared to face. On the field, Mantle had to learn how to play the outfield while in the major leagues. A shortstop who was defensively challenged, Casey Stengel and the New York Yankees decided that Mantle would become a decent defensive outfielder. Mantle was faced with interviews and photographers on a daily basis. He was invited to dinner almost every night, was asked to appear on radio ...