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Wednesday March 12th 2025


Yankees Fans: Caught Between a Rock & a Headcase

Talk about living on the edge.

There is not a single player on the New York Yankees‘ roster who is going to have more of an influence on the eventual outcome of the team’s 2011 season than A.J. Burnett.

Neither A-Rod nor Derek Jeter nor Robby Cano nor CC Sabathia nor even Mariano Rivera will have as much of a say in whether there is a parade than Burnett.

The talented, erratic, psychologically fragile and oftentimes maddening 6-foot-5 bundle of body ink and contradictions is where it starts and where it ends.

I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie, never one to turn down a good opportunity to get a little “rush” here or there, but the last time I went into something with this kind of mixture of ...

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