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Wednesday March 5th 2025


Why Yankee Stadium Has Lost Its Mystic Lore

Stadium at one point was the Roman Colosseum, the Greek Parthenon, the holy grail of baseball—today it is just another ballpark.

Yankees fans may hate me for this, but deep down they know that it is true.  What was once before, no longer is.  The Yankee Stadium of today is literally a completely new and different stadium.  

When the Yankees players make the walk from their clubhouse to the dugout they are not taking the same tunnel that The Babe, The Iron Horse, Joltin' Joe, The Mick, Yogi and all of the other Yankee greats took.  

When the visiting teams walk the tunnel they are no longer following in the steps of Ted Williams, Hank Greenberg, Jimmie Foxx, Ty Cobb and others.

Yankee stadium is ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees