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Wednesday March 5th 2025


Thurman Munson’s 10 Seasons vs. Carlton Fisk’s First 10 Seasons

Taylor of Bleacherreport suggested that I compare Thurman Munson and Carlton Fisk based on their first 10 full seasons, since Munson had a short career. Taylor opined that Munson never had the chance to experience the fall-off in production that occurs during a player's middle- and late-30s.

Here we go.

Munson (1970-79) batted .292/.347/.411 for his first 10 full seasons. Fisk (1972-81) hit .283/.356/.471.

There is a problem because in four of those seasons, Fisk was injured and played a total of only 318 games.

Fisk started a skein of appearing in at least 100 games in 1982, at the age of 34, which lasted until he was 39. During those six seasons, Fisk hit .251/.316/.447.

To compensate for Fisk's four seasons ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees