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Monday March 3rd 2025


The New York Yankees and Arnold Johnson: A Yankees Hater’s Lament

the 1950s, the Yankees had a major league farm team named the Kansas City Athletics.

Larry Levensen is a Giants' fan who resented the Yankees because he knew that it was almost impossible to beat both the Yankees and their Kansas City farm team.

"I Will Probably Die Waiting for a World Championship ."

I was only four years old when the Giants won the 1954 World Series.

Most four-year-olds are too young to appreciate it when their team becomes the World Champions, which was true for me. I have never seen my team win the World Series.

I will probably die waiting for a World Championship, but that's not true for Yankees' fans.

Two Reasons the Yankees Won

The Yankees won ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees