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Sunday March 9th 2025


Quotes: Javier Vazquez Not a Big Game Pitcher

night my dad called me and asked me if I wanted to go to the Yankee game with him on Sunday. I told him I had plans for Sunday and asked him why we didn’t just go Saturday (today) instead. I was promptly told, no and reminded that Javier Vazquez is pitching today which meant that he didn’t want to go. “With so many good pitchers on the staff I’d rather wait and go see somebody better,” my dad said.

That’s the way it is with Vazquez, people just would rather avoid him. Well, Javy’s former manager Ozzie Guillen can’t avoid him, not today. Why would Guillen want to avoid him? Well because today is the first time Vazquez will face his former team since the manager called him out.

Bleacher Report - New York Yankees