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Thursday March 13th 2025


New York Yankess: Looking Back at the Red Sox Series (The Retaliation Edition)

calling this recap "the retaliation edition" because, if you're a Yankee fan, that was the only good part of the series.

Until last night, David Ortiz had never been hit by a pitch thrown by a Yankee. CC Sabathia changed all that when he threw a ball right at Big Papi's leg. Yankees Universe knew it was coming because both Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez had been hit by Josh Beckett earlier in the game, but also because Sabathia was on the mound.

The big fella can always be counted on to protect his teammates.

So, what about the rest of the series?

Forgettable, just like the last time the Red Sox were here.

The Yankees are now 1-8 against Boston so far this season. If you're an optimist, you'll fondly remember ...

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