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Friday March 14th 2025


New York Yankees Prove Once Again They Run the Best Business in MLB

away the pinstripes, the statues, the lore.

Get rid of the 27 rings, the 40 American League Championships, the Hall of Famers.

Strip it all away, and the New York Yankees still run their team better than any other ball club in baseball does. In fact, they run theirs better than any other team in the Western Hemisphere.

What Manchester United is to soccer, what the Green Bay Packers are to football, what the Lakers are to basketball pale in comparison to what the Yankees are to baseball.

They are Apple in a league full of IBMs. They are Goldman Sachs in a league full of Lehman Brothers. They are Walmart in a league full of K-Marts.

With their most recent baseball-related moves, the New York Yankees showed that they ...

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