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Wednesday March 12th 2025


New York Yankees Prospect Hitting Dominance Factors

Mike Axisa over at River Avenue Blues took a look at all of the minor league pitchers through the lens of a statistic called Dominance Factor.

Brett Sullivan developed this statistic over at Project Prospect. The formula is (K%+.72*GB%-BB%)+(Age Level Standard-Actual Age)*7. Since the statistic is relatively simple, Sean P., who I write with over at Pending Pinstripes, came up with the idea to modify this into a hitting statistic.

After messing around for a while, we agreed on the following formula: (BB%+100*ISO+.74*LD%-K%)+(Speed Score-5)+(Age Level Standard-Actual Age)*7

I considered lowering the age multiplier, but the idea of this whole exercise is to give players who are younger than their competition credit for that. Also, line drive ...

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