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Wednesday March 12th 2025


New York Yankees Player Grades for April

the Yankee Universe, there's no denying that the multibillion dollar question right now is: Can they keep this up?

Yes, it's been quite a good month of April in the Bronx, by any measure.

Of course, no one knows the answer to this question. I'll preface what I'm about to say with the obvious disclaimer and reminder that it's still very early so it's probably not the greatest exercise to jump to conclusions just yet.

But here's the beauty of sports and real results. All of the sabremetricians could have told you a mere four weeks ago that Eduardo Nunez would not be very good. Same for Jayson Nix. And they're right so far.

But they also would have told you the same thing for Chris Stewart, Lyle Overbay, Vernon ...

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