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Wednesday March 12th 2025


New York Yankees Fans: Que Pasa, Derek Jeter?

Lennon once sang, "New York City...back in New York City...New York City...Que pasa, New York?...Que pasa, New York?"

Lennon wrote that song in a tribute to his new hometown when he moved in September 1971 with Yoko Ono from Ole England.

It was in the same city that never sleeps where he was murdered on December 8, 1980, three weeks after releasing a comeback album, Double Fantasy.

Lennon, on his way to heaven, probably asked, "Que pasa, New York?"

It's the same question nowadays many Yankee fans are asking.

Forget Korea, Afghanistan, President Obama and Palin. Main street news in the Big Apple is the Derek Jeter saga.

In summary, the Steinbrenner family has been very clear that Derek Jeter should ...

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