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Friday March 14th 2025


New York Yankees: Christian Lopez Has Been Fairly Compensated for Jeter’s Ball

Christian Lopez caught Derek Jeter's 3,000th hit and summarily handed it over to the Yankee captain, the debate raged as to whether or not Lopez was fairly compensated.

He received four Legends Suite tickets to Sunday's 1-0 Yankees win over the Tampa Bay Rays, four seats in the Champions Suite for the rest of the season (including playoffs and World Series), and five pieces of memorabilia all signed by Jeter.

Oh, and that DJ3K hat that the Yankees promptly displayed on his head as they trotted him around Yankee Stadium.

Some believed he should have sold it at auction, while others believed his best route was to demand a six-figure payment from the team or Jeter himself in exchange for the memento.

Most did not think that ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees