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Wednesday March 5th 2025


New York Yankees: Are Reports of Steinbrenner Family Selling Team Soon True?

(9:13 a.m.): After the news of the possibility of the Steinbrenner family selling the team in the future, Yankees owner Hal Steinbrenner issued a statement stating that the rumors are not true.

"I just read the Daily News story. It is complete fiction. Me and my family have no intention to sell the Yankees & expect it to be in the family for years to come."

You have to wonder if Hal is genuine in not wanting to sell, or if he's looking to create a diversion of any future financial plans.

If the Steinbrenner's are in fact, not selling, the New York Daily News has some explaining to do.


Talk about waking up to news that could shake the foundation of baseball.

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees