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Sunday March 9th 2025


New York Yankees All African-American Team

is my most recent endeavor. I am compiling All-Franchise Teams based on African Americans. The idea came to me as a result of the recent hiring of Joe Morgan by the Cincinnati Reds. Morgan brought to light the decline in African-American players in MLB. I have decided to start with the Yankees. It is part of my master plan to complete the American and National Leagues if I live long enough. Some teams, especially at certain positions are paper thin when it comes to African-Americans. I am not including Latinos or anyone else I know not to be an African-American. Allow me some latitude if I err in my discernment for a particular player. I am not doing a background check or DNA analysis on anyone, mainly by their place of birth. I hope you enjoy this and look forward ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees