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Tuesday March 4th 2025


New York Yankees: 9 Keys to the 180-Degree Rotation Turnaround

a few weeks ago the New York Yankees had been written off for dead by many.  Under performing, over the hill, and simply no longer the driving machine they once were. Oh, the old gray mare ain’t what she used to be.

Fast forward to the middle of June.

The same team that was once cohabiting the basement of the AL East with the Boston Red Sox is now running neck and neck with the Los Angeles Mattinglys for the best record in the majors.

There were no blockbuster trades, boisterous rants from the owner (that doesn’t happen anymore), or managerial changes. The new-found success is an example of, in the eloquent words of Lester Freamon from The Wire, the fact that “All the pieces matter.”

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