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Monday March 10th 2025


New York to L.A and Back: The Evolution of a Sports Fan

you know what happens when you grow up a die-hard old school sports fan? There are rules!
When I grew up in Brooklyn, you couldn't root for teams just because they all come from the same town.

In old-school New York—that would be the '50s for you newbies—that team in Chavez Ravine was the Brooklyn Dodgers.  In Manhattan, there were the New York baseball Giants.  And, in the Bronx, there were the Yankees. 

If you rooted for one, you didn't root for the others—plain and simple.  It just wasn't done.  For me, today, it still isn't.  Also, most rooting is local.  So, for you New York Red Sox fans, you Anaheim Yankee fans...  you're traitor fans, plain and simple.  You have the right to be, but that's how I view ...

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