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Friday March 14th 2025


Money Doesn’t Buy Rings: The Yanks Are Just Better

a Yankee fan, I'm used to people hating on the Yankees.

I get it.

People hate winners and want to blame winners for their own team's misery.

I know a guy on Facebook that I have thought about deleting because every time I bring up the Yanks, he gripes about how MLB is broken.

Whining is whining. It's annoying when a three-year-old does it because he perceives something isn't fair and it's annoying when a grown man does it about baseball.

This happens all the time. When a team loses a game, if you listen to their fans, they didn't loseā€”the ref made a bad call that cost them the game, or the other team cheated.

The current Yankees are no exception. Radio air heads, T.V. prognosticators, and Internet ...

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