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Friday March 14th 2025


MLB Hot Stove: Cliff Lee the Key Factor in Yankee-Red Sox Battle for Supremacy

the New York Yankee brass and fans can do is wait for ace Cliff Lee to make his decision.

The Yankees need Lee, and anyone who doesn’t think so is living in denial.

The recent acquisition of two lefties, Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez, by the Yankees rival in Boston, does make the Red Sox slightly better.

Here is why:

Crawford is a five-tool player who posted a .307 batting average last season. What makes him such a pain at the plate is he can turn a single into a triple if the ball is fielded with any imperfection.

Crawford was a Tampa Bay Ray for the last nine years, so all AL East teams are well aware of the damage he can do.

Gonzalez is one of the top first basemen coming from the National ...

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