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Thursday March 13th 2025


John Kruk: Stick to TV

Now’s a good time to look at how various teams are lining up for the postseason—in fact I’m hoping to do just that in the next day or two—and consequently the front page of ESPN today has an article looking at every team’s postseason weaknesses, authored by “analyst” John Kruk. 

You might know John for inexplicably being an All-Star baseball player in the early '90s despite having the athleticism of an asthmatic sloth or perhaps for his current role on Baseball Tonight, where his rants often defy the rules of both logic and grammar.

I know that picking on something Kruk writes is like critiquing a first grader’s macaroni art, but ESPN ran this thing on the front page.  So in my mind, that’s ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees