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Wednesday March 12th 2025


Joe Girardi’s Binder Gets Shakespearean, Takes Blame for ALCS Defeat

there! Perhaps you recognize me? You'll often see Joe Girardi, manager of the New York Yankees, bent over me in the team's dugout, flipping through my pages and perusing my invaluable information.

You know, they say experience is the teacher of all things. That's what Joe has me for. I hold all the past experience he requires to make the appropriate decisions regarding various game situations, such as who should bat against who and who he should bring in from the bullpen in certain situations.

Who cares if information ascertained in the midst of summer heat is not necessarily applicable in the midst of the October chill of the pressure-packed playoffs?

My repeated counsels to Girardi to put David Robertson in the game has ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees