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Monday March 10th 2025


Happy Mother’s Day Baseball Moms!

Father's Day I wrote a piece about how dads influenced the way we came to know, watch, and love baseball. While it was well received I still got a lot of flack from my female readers who said, "What about Mom?!?" And while at first I dismissed their comments as jokes I came to realize that they were very right.

It was my mom who drove me to all my little league practices and games.

It was my mom who went to 7-11 to make sure I had extra Gatorade to put in my bat bag.

It was my mom who stayed up and watched the Red Sox topple the Yankees with me in 2004.

It was my mom who came to all my high school games, even when I didn't play an inning.

It was my mom who cheered just as loud for me when I struck out as when ...

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