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Monday March 10th 2025


Derek Jeter Right To Be Relaxed about Future in New York

over at ESPN.com, sports fans from around the globe were shaken to the core by the headline "Jeter Wants To Remain Yankee."

This is the equivalent of going over to CNN.com and seeing "Obama Wants To Remain President," or calling up TMZ.com to find "Madonna Wants To Keep Creeping You Out With Her Scary Arms."

So yeah, this is about as non-story as a story can be. But we're in the early portion of spring training, and writers stationed across Florida and Arizona have little choice but to stalk clubhouses like packs of starving dogs.

Sometimes, as with A-Rod's PED admission last spring, scribes luck into a Porterhouse steak. Other times, like Jeter's "revelation" that he likes being a Yankee, the beat guys have to make due with Alpo.

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