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Wednesday March 12th 2025


Cameron Diaz vs. Minka Kelly: Who Wins Epic Ex-Yankee WAG Showdown?

was a Charlie's Angel on the big screen, the other is an Angel on the small one. Both captured the hearts of two star Yankees. One thing is certain, both have our attention. However, there can only be one epic Yankee WAG.

Allow me to hit you with some sad news that only affects two people, but will be felt by an entire nation that over values celebrities. Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez have broken up, again. I know, I can't stop weeping into my A-Rod beach towel.

I will get over this, but it will take time. Yes, time and a sexy slideshow are the only things that can lift my spirits.

The news comes just weeks after Derek Jeter and Minka Kelly called off their famous romance. That split was just as mutual as Diaz and Rodriguez, ...

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