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Friday March 14th 2025


Around the Web: Matt Kemp Love

Scioscia's Tragic Illness: Mike took on the same Paul Oberjuerge piece that I did...

True Blue L.A...and so did Eric Stephen.

Los Angeles Times: T.J. Simers writes that the Dodgers have a dynamic duo in Andre Ethier and Matt Kemp. You know they must be good if they motivated Simers to write a positive article. In fact, that might be the most convincing piece of evidence to date.

Baseball Prospectus: Joe Sheehan seems to think that the Dodgers have a top tier bullpen.

The more you watch the likely post-season teams close out their seasons, the more you think we might be in for some very long nights next month. The number of teams with questions about their bullpens seems to be awfully close to the number of teams who will get to play ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees