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Monday March 10th 2025


Anything To Be Gained From The Dallas Braden/A-Rod Tiff? Not Likely

the Yankees' Alex Rodriguez and the Athletics' Dallas Braden got into some sort of argument yesterday when Rodriguez cut across the pitcher's mound to get back to first base when Robinson Cano hit a foul ball...

You know what? I can't even finish describing the situation, it's so boring.

Look, I understand that A-Rod sort of finds himself in these situations frequently. I get that there's some nice juxtaposition between a guy who'll likely hit 700 home runs and is making 33 million dollars this season and a guy who's played 65 career games who's making $420,000.

But somehow, what occurred in between pitches in an game played the third week in April between two teams with relatively little history with each other has turned ...

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