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Friday March 14th 2025


Andy Pettitte Will Help NY Yankees Back To The World Series If He Stays Or Goes

that Andy Pettitte has returned from his Hawaiian Hau'oli Makahiki Hou, it's hard to tell who's awaiting his plans for next season with greater anticipation: Yankee fans or Yankee....ummm...shall we say, non-fans.

While his return certainly would be cause for a cheer by the former, if he decides to retire, it will hardly be cause for a funeral in Yankee Universe, nor will it be a body blow to the team's ultimate mission of returning to the World Series this year.

So the latter had better reserve their eulogies and shovels for another occasion.

Here's why:

For all the blanket condemnations concerning the aging of the Yankees, in Andy's case it certainly appears to apply, as his DL-shortened 2010 campaign proved.

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees