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Friday March 14th 2025


Andy Pettitte Posturing? Looking at The Yankees’ Wait From Another Angle

Pearl River Hotel is the type of dusty old Irish pub where you don't wonder when the daytime regulars got to the bar, you wonder if they've ever actually left. Outsiders are met with steely glances of suspicion and the jukebox's only practical use is as a coat hanger.

It's not a place you go to meet your future wife or win a fist-pumping competition. Rather, The Hotel (as it's colloquially known) exists for the same reason all the best pubs do—to celebrate the art of conversation.

Naturally, this is where I wound up with friends on Wednesday afternoon, just four obsessive Yankee fans throwing back Guinness and trying to make sense of Andy Pettitte's endgame.

Mark Teixeira was in the headlines, appearing in the type of story that exists only ...

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