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Monday March 10th 2025


A Mets Fan To New York Yankees: Please Sweep Us!

For the first time in the history of the Subway Series I think to myself "Could the New York Yankees please put us out of our misery and sweep us?"

A sweep by the Yankees would go a long way towards putting the final nail in the coffin of the Omar Minaya era. Jerry Manuel can stay.

Will the Yankees help us? Can the Yankees actually hurt us by losing these games and leaving Omar’s job intact for the time being? That being said, the Yankees have already won this series before it even starts.

If the Mets sweep, we still lose because Omar will still be employed. If the Yankees sweep, we lose. If the Yankees win two out of three, we lose. I just don’t see any winning scenarios here.

Hopefully, this is the last ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - New York Yankees