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Wednesday March 12th 2025


2011 Boston Red Sox: How the Red Sox Have Become the New Evil Empire

I first moved to Massachusetts over ten years ago, I quickly noticed two things: Dunkin' Donuts establishments outnumber churches 100 to 1 and New Englanders have a different definition of the word "suck" than the rest of the country.

At first, I had no comprehension as to why there were Dunkin' Donuts on every corner, sometimes literally across the street from each other.  But after spending one winter here, I realized that they are necessary.  The caffeine and the fat make the weather and the traffic tolerable, a dose of comfort that alleviates the pain.

However, the "suck" usage still leaves me perplexed.  You see, New Englanders have a propensity for saying "Yankees Suck!"  It is in this particular sentence that I found ...

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