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Wednesday March 12th 2025


‘NY Yankees’ Archives

New York Yankees: Kevin Long’s Home Run Drill »

Brendan Prunty of The Newark Star-Ledger wrote a pretty cool piece today about a hitting drill that Kevin Long developed while he was hitting coach of the Wichita Wranglers. Brandon Berger was his first subject to be exposed to the drill and he went from 18 home runs in a season to 40. Today Robinson Cano is the drill’s main benefactor as [...]

ALCS 2010: New York Yankees Announce Pitching »

It’s Thursday, that means today is the last day we have to suffer through before the Yankees start back up again. Was this long delay really necessary? Here are some notes: The Yankees have finally announced their ALCS rotation: C.C. Sabathia in Game 1, Phil Hughes in Game 2, Andy Pettitte in Game 3 and A.J. Burnett in Game 4. The ALCS [...]

ALCS 2010 Game 1: Yankees’ Carsten Charles vs. »

This Friday night, at Rangers Stadium, the New York Yankees and Texas Rangers will take the field for Game 1 of the ALCS. Both teams promise a battle with the hopes of winning a chance to play in the 2010 World Series. On the mound, both Texas and New York are starting left-handed pitchers, who also share similar abbreviated first names that begin [...]

New York Yankees-Texas Rangers ALCS Preview: The Road »

What's the best cure for a struggling team entering the postseason? Sweep another team in the first round of the playoffs. That's what the Yankees certainly were able to do in the ALDS when they swept the Minnesota Twins and are now moving on to the American League Championship Series for the second straight year. And for the second straight year, [...]

MLB Report: The Yankees Give the Nod to Hughes In Game »

After a brilliant performance in Game 3 from Phil Hughes, Joe Girardi has decided to switch him and Pettitte in the playoff rotation. And not only that, A.J. Burnett is getting the nod in Game 4.  This may come as a surprise to a lot of people after Pettitte's good outing against the Twins in Game 2, and A.J. Burnett's horrendous regular [...]

ALCS 2010: A.J. Burnett Shaky, Plunks Two in Simulated »

But he did say it was a big step forward. Via Chad Jennings: When the Yankees set up a simulated game, they try to make everything as real as possible. It doesn’t get more real than this: A.J. Burnett plunked two batters today. He got Greg Golson early, then he hit Austin Kearns late. Both hit batters came on two-seam fastballs that got [...]

Carl Crawford Wants to Stay in Tampa »

Via MLB.com: Losing Carlos Pena and Rafael Soriano hurts, but Carl Crawford came up through the organization’s farm system and has been the team’s biggest star in franchise history—so the prospect of C.C. leaving hurt most. “I don’t want to leave, everybody knows that,” Crawford said. “I like it here. [...]

Cablevision Customers in Danger of Missing World »

Via Variety: Fox and Cablevision ramped up the war of words behind their retransmission battle Tuesday. Both sides dug their heels in, as it began to look less likely that a deal could be hammered out by midnight Saturday morning—when the cable operator’s deal to carry WNYW and WWOR in New York and WTXF in Philadelphia (as well as [...]

New York Yankees Face the Great Unknown Against the »

I am a fine connoisseur of movies that fall under the banner of "so bad, they're good."If it has stilted dialogue, gaping plot holes, poor special effects and gratuitous sex scenes, I am in.Classics like the Thomas Ian Griffith thriller Crackerjack (1994), Shannon-Elizabeth-gets-violated-by-a-carrot horror flick Jack Frost (1997) and the Billy Ray [...]

ALCS 2010: It’s Not About Cliff Lee, It’s »

Cliff Lee, if one believes what one reads, is apparently capable of walking on water, leaping tall buildings in a single bound and his fastball can outrun a speeding locomotive. Apparently, that is not all he is capable of. He is so good that many believe that he can, by himself, defeat the New York Yankees in the upcoming ALCS. Really? We [...]

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